The Diet Step Calculator calculates the diet steps based on your current food intake.The Food Calculator helps you to implement the diet.choose what you want to eatchoose the amount you want to eatthe App calculates how much Calories Carbohydrates and Fat it contains.add it to your daily totalsVIDEO COACHINGYou don't have to read a fat diet book. My coaching video explains everything you need to know in 60 minutesINDIVIDUAL CALCULATIONA diet is always something individual. The 4 steps get calculated based on your current eating behavior.NATURAL ALTERNATIVEThis diet offers you a natural alternative to the classic treatment with pharmaceutical medication. - treat your type 2 diabetes different4 STEP DIETbased on chemical knowledge the quantity ratios of food get changed and one group goes through the 4 step reduction process.TESTED & OPTIMIZEDI was able to observe and optimize the effect of my diet by regular blood glucose measurements on my own body.
Diabetes Diet
Healthy Food Bay
July 01, 2020