You’re About To Discover The Most
Effective Strategies For Rapid Fat Loss
- Fun. Old-fashioned cardio takes hours for results and you easily get bored of the repetitive motion on the treadmill. On the other hand, HIIT is fun, more variety and engaging.
- Efficient. HIIT lasts only 30 minutes, but the after-brun effects will last hours after the exercise.
- Minimalistic. You don’t need expensive equipment to do them. Just use your bodyweight, maybe a few dumbbells, a jump rope... That’s it!
- Location-independent. You can perform the workouts anywhere! Do it in the living room with your kids, do it in your office on lunch break… If you’re daring enough, do it at the side of the road when you’re stuck in a traffic jam! (But please don’t disrupt the traffic).
- A brain booster. HIIT has been shown to boost levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF), a protein involved in brain-cell repair, learning, memory, mood regulation and cognitive function. Conventional exercising methods do not release this brain-boosting protein.
- A muscle-builder. HIIT promotes muscle synthesis if done right. Furthermore, HIIT boosts growth hormone levels which helps the muscle-building process.
- Customizable. Because it is a method of exercising instead of a list of exercises, HIIT is customizable. Anyone from beginner to seasoned athlete can use HIIT to improve their performance, health, and aesthetics.